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The Land of Canadia

I was in Canada for a week to shoot a wedding.
Here is what I learned about our friends to the north:
It is cold.
Like take regular numbers and take away all of those numbers until you have the opposite of numbers.  

And then add some more cold to that.

That's how cold it is.
There is snow.
A lot of it.
But they know how to plow it and they do and people don't spaz out and run to the store for milk and bread when there's snow in the forecast.  

They just drive to the store in the snow like normal people.
They don't have refills on drinks.
That's a gluttonous American thing apparently.
A sock cap is called a toque.
They pronounced it "tuke" but the dictionary says it's pronounced "toke".

I'll still be calling it a sock cap.
You can't tear their money in half but if it sits in the frigid weather for too long it will shatter when you pick it up.  

I say that's terrible planning on the part of the Canadian money making team. 

 How about a little foresight, people?  It's CANADA.  Don't you know your own weather?
  Or maybe it was good planning.  I don't really understand economics.
They say "sore-y" not "sorry".
Everything is expensive.

Except the scarves, mittens and hats at a store in the mall.

Which seems odd, but again with the poor economics understanding thing.
They pronounced "Disaronno" like "dee-sa-ro-no" instead of my version of "dis-ara-no" which I found out was actually just because I've been pronouncing it wrong my entire life, so go Canada for teaching me how to order my alcoholic drinks correctly!
They will NOT let you into their country if they think you are working in said country for money.


I nearly didn't make it in.
Which would've been tragic.

Because we would have missed out on some awesome people, great hospitality and a better understanding of what "cold" really means.

You can see the rest of the wedding pictures here under "Derek and Jesse".


Anonymous said...

Supercalfragilisticexialidocious. Meaning wonderful to a higher degree. THANKS

Derek said...

Amazing job Brandi! Thank you and your clones for everything!

WSMIL said...

Amazing photos! Some of your best work yet.

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